Musculoskeletal Disorders

MSDs are injuries and disorders of the muscles, tendons, nerves and spinal discs that can happen when a worker is engaged in repetitive work, forceful exertions (such as moving patients) and [...]

About your Pension

ONA members have the benefit of a number of pension plans that serve them. Learn more about these plans, including important updates and resources.

For Students

Almost all nursing students in the province are automatically affiliate members of ONA. If you are studying nursing at a college or university in Ontario, you are most likely an affiliate member [...]

Join ONA

If you do not belong to a union, this page is for you! Find out how you can become an ONA member, and have the protection and support you need in your workplace.

Legal Assistance (LEAP)

ONA's Legal Expense Assistance Plan (LEAP) was established in 1980 to help you with legal or regulatory body problems relating to your work. This includes problems that arise under Ontario’s [...]

Overview and FAQs

In Ontario, the health-care sector has some of the highest rates of workplace injuries and illnesses – even greater than construction, mining and manufacturing. Yet, health-care employers lag far [...]

Needle Safety

Every year, ONA members are exposed to deadly pathogens as a result of incidents from medical sharps devices. Although registered nurses sustain the majority of  injuries, doctors, lab [...]


[vc_row][vc_column width=”2/3″][vc_column_text]The Ontario Nurses’ Association (ONA) is committed to removing barriers in order to accommodate visitors to the ONA website. As such, [...]

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