Expression of Interest – Nurse Practitioner Focus Group

The Nurse Practitioner Focus Group (NP Focus Group) is a standing committee established by the Board of Directors of the Ontario Nurses’ Association (ONA) which is responsible for ensuring there is a consistent voice for ONA’s Nurse Practitioners (NPs). This group would be accountable to liaise with all NPs in their respective regions from all sectors, to obtain feedback, recommendations, concerns, and any other matters as well as to report back the recommendations made at the Focus Group level back to the regional NPs.

This group was created to give NPs within the ONA a forum to voice their interests, professional considerations, and recommendations for collective bargaining.

If you are interested in joining the NP Focus Group, please complete the form below. Completed forms must be submitted by 4:30 p.m. on September 13, 2023.

Mandatory fields are marked with an asterisk (*).

EOI- Nurse Practitioner Focus Group

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If you have any questions, please email

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Scope of Work/Purpose


  • Represent all regions and health-care sectors in the Province.
  • Recommend an engagement strategy for members.
  • Advisory capacity for submissions to the government, RNAO, CNO, NPAO and any other agencies as identified and to provide input for proposal setting for collective bargaining in all sectors.
  • Define and educate the utilization up to scope of practise, by sector.
  • The work of this Committee is recommendatory in nature and subject to approval by the ONA Board of Directors.


  • Chair of Committee – Angela Preocanin, ONA’s Provincial First Vice-President
  • One NP from each Region of the province from various sectors who have replied to the Expression of Interest.
  • DJ Sanderson, Executive Lead, Provincial Services
  • Jackie Kehoe-Donaldson, Manager, Professional Practice.
  • Tanya Beattie and Haifaa Khadour – Professional Practice Specialists
  • Ad hoc; Marilynn Dee, Manager II, Hospital Sector and Pat Carr, Manager II, Long-Term Care and Community Sector
Term and Meetings


  • Three-year term.


  • Meetings will be quarterly and ad hoc where applicable.
Values and Behaviours


All committee members will conform to the ONA Code of Conduct as well as respecting diversity of opinion amongst committee members. Committee members are expected to come to the meetings prepared having reviewed the materials and prepared with questions, suggestions, and recommendations.



Representatives of the NP Focus Group shall respect the confidentiality of any information or materials to which they have access. Any disclosure shall be limited to those who have a need to know at the discretion of this committee.

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