Bargaining Updates

All current collective agreement can be found on our Find Your Contract page.
A recording from the vote webinars and a related FAQ document are available in the Access ONA Resource Centre. You must be logged in to Access ONA to view the recording.
A recording from the demand setting meetings is available in the Access ONA Resource Centre. You must be logged in to Access ONA to view the recording.
Elections for the 2025 Nursing Homes Provincial Negotiating Team have ended. Congratulations to the successful candidates and all candidates for their interest and involvement in this election.
Arbitrator Kaplan has released his decision for the 2023 hospital sector bargaining that affects about 60,000 hospital members. Arbitrator Kaplan’s decision is a two-year contract that spans from April 1, 2023, to March 31, 2025.
Arbitrator Sheri Price has released her decision for the 2024 nursing homes sector bargaining. Arbitrator Price’s decision is a two-year contract that spans from July 1, 2024, to June 30, 2026.
Media Release: Ontario Nursing Homes Ordered to Pay Nurses and Health-Care Professionals 11.5-per-cent Salary Increases Over Two Years (May 21, 2024)
Registered nurses and health-care professionals represented by ONA participated in conciliation with 208 participating nursing homes on April 30, 2024, to negotiate a new collective agreement covering the period of July 1, 2024, through June 30, 2026. The parties were largely unsuccessful in resolving the matters in dispute between them.
Mediation-arbitration was held on May 1-2, 2024, before Arbitrator Sheri Price. ONA prioritized the issues important to its members: compensation and staffing ratios. The central theme of ONA’s year-long campaign is: “Care, Not Profit.” The issues presented at arbitration were discussed, debated and ultimately voted on by the membership and are responsive to the crisis in Long-Term Care.
Find a copy of the Union’s brief in the Access ONA Resource Centre. You must be logged in to view it.
On Thursday, March 7, we held two meetings for participating nursing homes members to give you the opportunity to vote on your demands in preparation for this round of negotiations.
Members who attended voted 100 per cent in favour of presenting the in-going proposal package to employers. This means that ONA will move this proposal package forward and present it to your employers when we head to nursing homes provincial bargaining next month.
The package is housed in the Access ONA Resource Centre. You must be logged in to view it. The package is confidential, so please do not share or download it.
Recordings of the demand setting meetings are now available in the Access ONA Resource Centre. You must be logged in to Access ONA to view the recording.
Elections for the 2024 Nursing Homes Provincial Negotiating Team have ended.
We have been in contact with your employer regarding upcoming provincial bargaining that is slated to take place in April.
There are some new developments that you should be made aware of. Your Victorian Order of Nurses (VON) employer is not agreeing to voluntary arbitration for this round of bargaining.
What this means is that our VON membership may be put in a right-to-strike position if an agreement is not reached.
It is very important for VON members to attend a Zoom meeting on Tuesday, February 25 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. to hear details and determine next steps.
A link to register for this meeting has been emailed to all VON members. If you have not received the link, please contact your Bargaining Unit President.
A recording from the demand setting meeting is available in the Access ONA Resource Centre. You must be logged in to Access ONA to view the recording.
Nominations for the Victorian Order of Nurses Provincial Negotiating Team are closed.
All VON members were invited to a meeting on March 19, 2024, to learn about compensation improvements for registered nurses, nurse practitioners, and registered practical nurses. These improvements will be made through an agreement with the employer, following an increase in funding provided by the provincial government.
The presentation from this meeting is now available in the Access ONA Resource Centre. You must be logged in to Access ONA to view the recording.
Arbitrator Stout has released his decision for the 2023 Victorian Order of Nurses collective agreement that affects about 200 ONA members.
Media Statement: New Contract Decision for Victorian Order of Nurses Fails Care Providers and Their Clients (December 14, 2023)
Virtual Town Hall: A town hall meeting was held for VON members on December 20, 2023. A recording of this meeting is now available in the Access ONA Resource Centre. You must be logged in to Access ONA to view the recording.
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