Victorian Order of Nurses (VON) members – Help us set demands for bargaining!

October 22, 2024

When it comes to provincial bargaining, you asked for more transparency and involvement. We heard you loud and clear and are making it happen.

If you are an ONA member working in a VON bargaining unit,  you are invited to attend a virtual demand-setting meeting on November 19 from 6-9 p.m. for upcoming contract negotiations.  

At this meeting, you can tell your elected VON provincial negotiating team what you want to see in your bargaining proposals. Register now to attend this meeting that will shape how and what we bargain for.

Please register by end of day November 18, 2024.

Test your Zoom Setup

Make sure you are webinar ready. Test your Zoom set up (sound, mic, etc.) in advance to ensure you won't miss out! Visit
